House Manager/Assistant Manager
Marek and Mary are generally available to help residents and visitors during the following office hours:
Monday to Friday – 9am to 5pm
Saturdays – 8.30am to 12.30pm.
The office is closed on Bank Holidays but you may contact Marek directly in an emergency or with relevant queries which he will be happy to assist with by calling his mobile; 07511 179624. Please leave a contact number if they are not in the Stevenage Road office.
Residents also have the option of contacting MasterFix for emergency repairs by calling 0207 518 8600.
Marek would greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation when being contacted out of hours, as he is there to help as much as possible, but if the enquiry is not urgent, PLEASE can we kindly ask you to contact the office during normal working hours.
020 7385 6052
Managing Agents
Principia Asset & Estate Management have appointed Faith Drummey as Property Manager with the assistance of Amelia Platts. The team are available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm to deal with general, solicitors’ and insurance enquiries. For weekend emergencies, call their emergency mobile phone number below.
Faith Drummey – Head Property Manager
t: +44 (0)20 7341 0219 (DDI)
Amelia Platts – Property Manager
t: +44 (0)20 7341 0247 (DDI)
Main Line 020 7341 0220
Fax 020 7341 0221
Emergencies 07894 908 207
Accounts 020 7341 0230